Friday, May 24, 2024

Thursday May 23 – London a Last Time

Another round of packing the next morning, and trying to clean out the last yogurt, fruit, and perishables from the frig.  Mickey and family and friends were going to take over the house that coming weekend, and so preparations for that were mixed in.  Took some last pictures of their beautiful house and garden, and then it was time to pile back into the Kia Sportage for a return to London on yet another nice Spring day.

We retraced our route back to the Northern Circular Road, got stuck in city traffic as expected, and then finally made it back to the house in time for lunch in the sunny back garden.  That afternoon was spent doing some final packing of the large suitcases (SarahE was able to fit Mom’s embroidery in hers), and a few errands up on the high street.

The main thing was getting provisions for our dinner that night with Mollie and Leon.  They came over after work and we were very glad to see them.  We had a great dinner and loved meeting Leon for the first time.  Great to see Mollie again too, and we all had lots to say about the political situation.  Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had just called for a July 4th general election, and this could be a pivotal one for the UK.

Mollie and Leon had work the next day and so didn’t stay late, and we finally went to bed ourselves.

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